Board Role Descriptions


Western Riptide Board Role Descriptions

Directors (7 Voting)

Chair (Acting - Open to Nominations)
        - The Chair shall be responsible for the effectiveness of the board and shall        
           perform other duties as assigned by the members or the directors.
        - Schedule and Chair Board meetings and AGM.
        - Oversee the Directors of the Association.
        - Develop and Monitor the Annual Strategic Plan.
        - Support all Directors, Coordinators and Board Roles.
        - Represent WRFHA with Female Council and Hockey Nova Scotia.
        - WRFHA Policy Development.
        - Oversee the development and actions of committees.

Vice Chair (Vacant)
        - Act as Chair in their absence.
        - Consult with Chair on Strategic Priorities.
        - Liaise with Female Council regarding Scheduling.
        - Oversee Complaints and Grievances
        - Oversee Disciplinary Actions
        - Intake of Board Nominations for AGM.

Director of Administration
        - Have responsibility for the preparation and custody of all books and records    
           including: The minutes of members’ meetings, The minutes of directors’
           meetings, The register of members, and Filing the annual requirements with
           the office of the register,
        - Have custody of the Seal, if any, which may be affixed to any document upon
           resolution of the board of directors, and
        - File with the Registrar updates to the association after each AGM or Special    
        - Collect relevant contact and vocation information from Board Members.
        - Submit required information to Joint Stocks annually.
        - Oversee or perform the duties of the Secretary.
        - Oversee or perform the duties of the Risk Management Coordinator.
        - Oversee or perform the duties of the Registrar.
        - Manage membership email communications
        - Lead the distribution of association messages.
        - Update website with team contact information.

Director of Finance
        - The Director of Finance shall have responsibility for the custody of all financial
           books and records of the Society, and carry out all other duties as assigned by
           the board.
        - Oversee or perform the duties of the Treasurer.
        - Oversee or perform the duties of the Fundraising and Grant Coordinator.
        - Oversee or perform the duties of the Financial Assistance Coordinator.

Director of Hockey Operations
        - Oversee or perform the duties of the Development Coordinator.
        - Oversee or perform the duties of the Equipment Manager.
        - Oversee or perform the duties of the Ice Scheduler.
        - Oversee or perform the duties of the Referee in Chief.
        - Administer Coaching Selections Process.
        - Administer Classification Process.

Director of Marketing, Content & Brand (Vacant)
        - Oversee or perform the duties of the Media and Website Coordinator.   
        - Oversee or perform the duties of the Apparel and Brand Coordinator.
        - Oversee or perform the duties of the Awards and Promotions Coordinator.
        - Advocate and arrange Female Mentors and Leadership.   
        - Develop and administer a 5 year marketing plan.

Director of Inclusion and Diversity  (Vacant)
        - Promotion and active effort to support inclusion and Diversity within Western.
        - Advocacy for geographical inclusion and equity.
        - Promotion and active effort to recruit female leadership within Western.
        - Promotion and active effort to address issues of exclusion within Western.
        - Promotion and active effort to support Indigenous youth within Western.
        - Promotion and active effort to support African Canadian youth within Western.
        - Promotion and active effort to support youth with Socioeconomic barriers
           within Western.
        - Promotion and active effort to support 2SLGBTQ+ youth within Western.

Coordinators (Non-Voting)

Treasurer (Finance)
        - Develop and Monitor Association Budget
        - Manage all invoices for operating costs.
        - Manage all Collections of revenues.
        - Oversee Team Budget Process

Fundraising and Grant Coordinator (Finance) (Vacant)
        - Print and distribute the tickets for the annual association fundraiser.   
        - Oversee the Legacy Grant.
        - Apply for a minimum of one First Shift event.
        - Partner for a minimum of one ESSO fun day.
        - Look at and apply for possible Municipal grants.
        - Research and apply for additional Grants.
        - Research and distribute options for team grants. Ie Bob Boucher.

Financial Assistance Coordinator (Finance) (Vacant)
        - Research possible funding supports for player participation.
        - Notify members of funding support organizations and programs. Pro Kids -
           Jump Start - HC Assist Fund.
        - Support members with applications for funding supports.

Secretary (Administration) (Vacant)
        - Record on minutes for Board Meetings and AGM.
        - Distribute the Minutes to Board Members for review and approval.
        - Scheduling, booking and notification of Board Zoom Meetings
        - Build and post agendas on line for members to review.
        - Provide Minutes to Members upon request while preserving privacy.
        - Take role and monitor quorum at Board Meetings.

Risk Management Coordinator
        - Ensure all players are aware of safety issues and expectations.
        - Ensure all coaches are fully certified.
        - Ensure all volunteers are fully certified.
        - Distribute all risk management notifications to team officials, volunteers and

        - Prepare central registry/HCR 3.0 for Annual Registration.
        - Share player contact information to Board Secretary.
        - Track and report registrations.
        - Share Risk Management issues to appropriate parties.
        - Share HCR lists with Director of Operations.
        - Share HCR lists with Finance director for billing. Indicate which members are        
           goalies or special situations.
        - Liaise with Female Council and Hockey Nova Scotia regarding rosters.
        - Update team officials with approved HCR Rosters.

Development Coordinator (Hockey Operations) (Vacant)
        - Coordinate spring development sessions.
        - Assess specialized development needs and administer interventions and    
        - Research partner goalie development options for 2023/24
        - Explore and develop a strategy for coaching development for 2023/24
        - Develop and Administer strategy for Coaching Development.

Equipment Manager (Hockey Operations) (Vacant)
        - Collect all jerseys at end of season.
        - Sort all jerseys and wash if necessary.
        - Remove damaged Jerseys from stock.
        - Distribute Jerseys to each team.
        - Order required jerseys for this season’s teams.
        - Develop a strategy for an equipment exchange for 2023/24 season.
        - Acquire U9 goalie equipment.
        - Purchase and distribute coaching equipment (pucks/A’s and C’s)
        - Consult with Development Coordinator regarding Development Equipment.

Ice Scheduler (Hockey Operations)
        - Identify and procure ice slots to support this years teams geographic makeup.
        - Adjust ice usage in response to Scheduling requests.
        - Coordinate special requests for Ice requirements. ie Jamborees
        - Act as broker to sell unused ice slots.

Referee in Chief (Hockey Operations)
        - Assign officials for all scheduled games.
        - Distribute payment to all officials for Western hosted games.
        - Provide mentoring and feedback to Western officials as requested.
        - Provide an incentive to officials who support Western games.
        - Notify membership of official training opportunities.
        - Recruit, Promote, and Develop Female Officials

Media and Website Coordinator (Marketing, Content and Brand)
        - Update the WRFHA Website, FB and designated social media platforms.
        - Notification to membership of important information and announcements.
        - Highlight through media and socials of team achievements.
        - Highlight through media and socials of Alumni achievements.
        - Notification to membership of important information and announcements.
        - Notification to membership of important information, and announcements.
        - Notification to membership of important female hockey events.
        - Maintain up to date information on the website for players, parents, coaches,
           volunteers and public.

Apparel and Brand Coordinator (Marketing, Content and Brand) (Vacant)
        - Develop, manage orders and delivery of Swag and apparel.
        - Coordinate with the equipment manager to order any additional jersey as
           determined by the board of directors.
        - Coordinate individual order with teams.
        - Support each team manager with team photos as needed.

Promotions Coordinator (Marketing, Content and Brand) (Vacant)
        - Organize a multi-aged on ice Photo-shoot to generate some professional
           imagery and video for marketing and promotional materials.
        - Design and produce promotional pop up banners for Western Riptide Female
           Hockey for each of the 8 arenas in our zone. Have them prominently displayed
           at each facility
        - Produce and distribute helmet sticks to all our registered players. In addition
           we will produce door magnets for each of our teams for brand identity at both
           home and away games.
        - Research and develop a system for accessing other branding options.
        - Create multiple promotional videos using all available and created media of
           Western hockey.
        - Supplies for prizes and gifts at parades in real areas where we submit a float.
        - Notify local radio of team results.
        - Host a public viewing of women’s national hockey event.
        - Submit application to represent Nova Scotia during World Girls Hockey

Awards Coordinator (Marketing, Content and Brand) (Vacant)
        - Develop an awards program from Riptide Players, Coaches and Volunteers.
        - Find sponsors for the purchase of the trophies.
        - Manage the notification and collection Award nominations.
        - Manage the decision making process with the board of directors for Award
        - Execute all organizational efforts pertaining to an awards ceremony that could
           be held in conjunction with the AGM.
        - Notify the membership of Hockey Nova Scotia Award nomination process.
        - Consider initiating a monthly player profile marketing effort.